Wentworth CofE Junior And Infant School

Wentworth CofE Junior And Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Churchfield Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S62 7TX


01226 350246

Wentworth C of E (c) Primary School Governing Body

The role of those serving on a Local Governing Body is an important one, ensuring that there is local accountability for the performance of the Trust and the Academies and that the Academies serve their communities.  Those serving on a Local Governing Body are accountable to the Trust Board and must ensure that at all times they act in good faith and in the best interests of the Academies and the Trust, exercising reasonable care and skill having particular regard to personal knowledge and experience.

Guidance on the roles and duties of governing boards, and advice on the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to be effective can be found HERE.


The vice-chair of the Local Governing Board is Mrs Natalie Halawin. She can be contacted by ringing 01226 350246 or emailing enquires@wce.wwpat.org

Governor Role Date Appointed Responsibilities
Mrs Natalie Halawin 

Chair of governors

Parent Governor

Appointed 2024

Core curriculum development / Pupil Voice/Safeguarding /Curriculum development/ website compliance

Mrs Gemma Platts  Interim Head Teacher Appointed 2024 Safeguarding Lead /Leadership and Management / Teaching Learning  & Assessment / Outcomes for Pupils / PFM / Standards in EYFS / The Development of Behaviour, attitudes and Personal Development/ Parent Voice 
Reverend Marie Raffay Community Governor       Appointed 2023

Outcomes for pupils' spiritual development/ Collective worship/ SIAMS.

Ms Jennifer Wall Community Governor Appointed 2023

Wider curriculum development/ Parent Voice/ Pupil Voice 



Parent Governor Appointed ( Currently Recruiting )  Core curriculum development/ Outcomes for Pupils/Parent Voice/ Pupil Voice 


The role of the governing body

The role of governing bodies is to help schools provide the best possible education for the pupils at the school. School governing bodies that clearly understand their roles and responsibilities, build productive relationships with school leaders, know their schools well and use the views of parents, pupils and the wider community are best equipped to drive improvement in their schools.

The main aim of the governing body is to maintain and improve the quality of education and the standards of achievement and attainment at the school.


  • Know the school well and its strengths and weaknesses. They have a clear vision and create a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel.
  • Know the pupils, their strengths, areas for improvement and vulnerabilities. They are ambitious for all pupils and promote improvement.
  • Know the finances and approve the budget, ensuring that money is spent effectively.
  • Are strategic in making use of targets, budgets, appraisal, the school development plan and other success criteria.
  • Are committed unwaveringly to setting high expectations for the conduct of pupils and staff.
  • Systematically challenge senior leaders so that the effective deployment of staff and resources, including the pupil premium, the primary PE and sport premium, secures excellent outcomes for pupils.
  • Act as a partner to the strategic leadership team [SLT], making use of data and targets, action plans, appraisal and other mechanisms to hold the SLT to account.
  • Know the quality of teaching and all staffing.
  • Ensure that all health and safety and safeguarding requirements are in place and implemented.
  • Understand performance management systems, appraisal process and performance related pay leading to professional development that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’ improvement.
  • Validate their knowledge, making use of external verification and external data.
  • Promote equality of opportunity and diversity for pupils and staff, so that the ethos and culture of the whole school prevents any form of direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour.

Declarations of interest:

Name Name of business or organisation/ educational organisation. Nature of business or organisation. Nature of interest/ close family member interest. Date of appointment of acquisition. Date of cessation of interest.
G Platts None
N Halawin
J Wall 
M Raffie 
Parent Governor TBC


To find out more details regarding governance on a Trust level please click the link to be redirected to their page.