Our School day
At Wentworth, we are passionate about ensuring pupils receive the best possible education and we work hard to ensure we maximise learning and not lose any of the precious time we have with them. Please look below for information regarding the timetable of our school day. In line with government legislation, our school week provides pupils with a minimum of 32.5 hours a week.
Our school day timings (NB minor changes can occur when necessary) | Activity |
7:45 - 8:45 | Breakfast club (£3) - This optional club is fantastic if you need to start work before we open registration. Pupils have lots of a different yummy and exciting breakfast options available to them. It also allows them to socialise and have fun with other pupils who may not be in their class! For further information, contact enquiries@wce.wwpat.org. |
8:45 |
Registration (Spelling focus): Children are expected to be lined up at their designated area ready to enter in order for the day's learning to begin! This is also an excellent opportunity for parents to have brief check ins with their child's teacher. When entering the room, children are expected to quickly put their coats and bags away before completing the registration task. |
9:00-9:45 |
Reading activities: We believe reading is a vital element of the curriculum so we make sure to start our day with different reading activities. EYFS & Y1: Our youngest pupils as well as Year 1 complete daily Little Wandles Phonics lessons. Why not look at our parent page to find out more including ways you can help your child begin the rewarding process of reading. Y2 - Y6: The rest of the year groups complete a whole class reading sequence which allows them to explore various themes throughout the year as well as work hard to improve fluency and comprehension skills. |
9:45 - 10:45 | Literacy: During these lessons, pupils learn about different text fiction and non-fiction text types over three weeks. This allows them to practise and then apply what they have learned to create their own amazing pieces of writing! |
10:45 - 11:00 | Breaktime: After all of learning which has taken place so far, pupils are able to let off a little steam at breaktime in a number of areas as well as ensure they have had a comfort break and eaten a healthy snack should they brought one. |
11:00 - 12:00 | Mathematics: Pupils complete a Mathematics lesson which follows the White Rose Maths long term overview. These lessons involve opportunities for teacher input and modelling as well as opportunities for challenge and extend their reasoning and understanding skills. |
12:00 - 1:00 | Lunchtime: At this point in the day pupils are ready for a break and a bite to eat. During this time, they can eat and socialise with their friends as well as have fun in the different areas of the playground. |
1:00 - 2:45 |
Registration (Mathematics focus): For the first few minutes of the afternoon, pupils are given time to complete an activity which enables them to further improve and consolidation their arithmetical proficiency. Foundation subject lessons: Throughout the week children are immersed in a range of subjects. This enables them to learn about many exciting areas in project time, understand different world religions, become scientists, participate in active and engaging PE lessons as well as other subjects including Spanish, PSHE and ICT. |
2:55 - 3:10 | Collective worship: At Wentworth, we love to come together for collective worship. Each day comprises of a different element which helps us to understand the world through the eyes of a Christian. We deal with various themes in a sensitive and caring way. |
3:10 - 3:30 |
End of day reading opportunities: Pupils have the opportunity to read their own book independently or listen to the class novel which has been picked to inspire and immerse pupils further into other worlds! EYFS: Our EYFS pupils finish their busy school day at 3:20. This gives parents or carers time to pick up any other children at a different part of school. Rest of school: The rest of school finish at 3:30. Staff will be around to ensure that your child(ren) will be ready to greet you. This is also another opportunity for a kick check in should you wish to speak your child's teacher. If your child is going to be picked up by another family member or they are going to a friend's house for tea, please can you ensure you let their class teacher know. Alternatively, please contact the office so that we can make leaving school a smooth transition. |
Total minimum hours: |
32.5 |
Just because our school day ends at 3:30 does not mean that we stop the learning has to stop! Despite our small size, we ensure that we provide pupils with a range of clubs for an extra hour a day which allow them to experience different areas of learning they may not have during the school day as well as have some fun with pupils in different classes. For more information regarding the clubs we offer, please contact enquiries@wce.wwpat.org.