Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Churchfield Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S62 7TX


01226 350246

Pupil Premium

At Wentworth C of E we are determined to ensure that all children achieve and are given the highest standards of teaching and learning through delivering Quality First Teaching (QFT). The evidence base strongly suggests that the most effective way to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children is through excellent classroom teaching.

Excellent classroom teaching can be achieved by all teachers having high quality professional development, sharing of outstanding practice and open and honest conversations about learning. Additionally, that focused support and pastoral care outside of QFT is given to children that require it so that they are achieving their full potential. There is no expectation that all Pupil Premium children will receive identical support; some children will need more than others and each child is individual with individual circumstances.

The school considers how to allocate pupil premium money on an annual basis following rigorous data analysis and careful consideration of the needs of the children within this group and this is reviewed termly. The Action Plan for Pupil Premium spending focuses on whole-school strategies that impact all pupils, strategies that target under-performing pupils, and specific strategies targeting pupil premium pupils.

We do not simply treat Pupil Premium children as a homogeneous group, our aspiration is a whole school approach based on a culture of ‘no excuses’ that is underpinned with compassion. We have a clear, strategic approach to the use of Pupil Premium funding, and plans are integrated into wider school support and improvement systems.


The identified barriers and challenges for our children are:

EYFS: Although attainment upon entry into FS2 is broadly typical, a significant number % of pupils start school with language and number skills that remain lower than their counterparts.

Attendance: pupils cannot learn if they are not at school and low attendance is a major barrier to achievement. Our analysis shows that our disadvantaged students are less likely to have good attendance and are more likely to have time away from school.

Attitudes to learning: Pupils in receipt of disadvantaged funding are more likely to become passive or reluctant learners. Analysis of learning walks, pupil response to feedback and observations show that disadvantaged student is less likely to take risks with their learning and less likely to be resilient when responding to improvement targets.

Academic confidence and resilience: Teachers report that many of our disadvantaged pupils lack resilience when things did not go well and do not have the self-belief that is more common in non-disadvantaged pupils. They are far less likely to have family role models who have high academic achievement through hard work and determination.

Resources: Disadvantaged pupils are less likely to have a variety of reading books at home or buy specialist equipment such as sports equipment. As a result, they are less likely to take part in optional enrichment opportunities.

COVID-19: Impact on children returning to school following Covid-19 and school closure.


In EYFS speaking, listening and communication skills are supported through quality first teaching, diagnostic assessment,  targeted intervention identified and outside agencies support where necessary.  To measure the achievement of our disadvantaged children we have a rigorous approach to assessment.   Termly  pupil progress meetings monitor the progress of disadvantaged pupils.   A half termly attendance meeting is held and early intervention takes place.  A  yearly impact review of the pupil premium spending plan is carried out. 


For further information regarding pupil premium, please find our pupil premium reports and a pupil premium parent guide to help answer any questions you may have.

 Pupil premium parent guide.pdfDownload
 PUPIL PREMIUM STRATEGY 2020-21.pdfDownload
 Wentworth Pupil Premium Report 2021-22.pdfDownload
 Wentworth Pupil Premium Report 2022-23.pdfDownload
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