Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Wentworth CofE Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Churchfield Lane, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S62 7TX


01226 350246


Aims of our PE curriculum

At Wentworth C of E J&I we recognise the importance PE plays in the curriculum and are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage fully in Physical Education. The aim of our PE programme is to develop children's basic physical competencies, build confidence in their ability and build the foundations for a lifelong love of sport, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. PE lessons encourage children to compete against themselves and others whilst being challenged to improve their physical, social, emotional and thinking skills. These skills are embedded in the heart of our planning. Our objectives in the teaching of PE align with the National Curriculum in that we aim to ensure all pupils:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Lead healthy, active lives

At Wentworth C of E Primary School, it is our intention when teaching the PE Curriculum that we develop the enjoyment of physical activity, teaching the children to respect their bodies through leading active and healthy lifestyles. Our intention is that this will serve as a foundation to carry this healthy approach into adulthood. PE lessons are fully inclusive and we encourage our children to respect and recognise that we all have different strengths and weaknesses and need to support and encourage one another. Showing respect to the officials, the opposition and fellow teammates is very much a part of the school’s ethos and one which we encourage our children to embrace.

Our ethos is very much on working together as a team. It is our intention to allow children to develop their leadership skills where they are responsible for supporting peers and younger children during play times, lessons and during sport events. Children are also given opportunity to make their voices heard and influence whole school sport activities.

Our PE curriculum is broad and progressive allowing the children to experience and build on previous skills, knowledge and understanding. It is our intention to build each pupil’s resilience and determination with all they do by setting individual goals and developing their confidence through trying new sports and physical challenges. We ensure this is done by using the GetSet4PE scheme. 

The aims of our PE curriculum are to develop pupils who:

  • Are willing to practise skills in a range of different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams, and to apply these skills in chosen activities to achieve exceptionally high levels of performance;

  • Have and maintain high levels physical fitness;

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle which is achieved by eating sensibly and exercising regularly;

  • Are able to remain physically active for sustained periods of time and have an understanding of the importance of this in promoting long-term health and well-being;

  • Take the initiative and become excellent young leaders, organising and officiating, and evaluating what needs to be done to improve, and motivating and instilling excellent sporting attitudes in others; This is done through the use of 'Team Leaders' in Year 6.

  • Employ imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography;

  • Are able to improve their own and others’ performance;

  • Can work independently for extended periods of time without the need for guidance or support;

  • Have a keen interest in PE - a willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson, highly positive attitudes and the ability to make informed choices about engaging fully in extracurricular sport;

  • Can swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and know how to remain safe in and around water.

  • Give all pupils the chance to represent the school at cluster competitions, in a variety of different sports.

Every class is timetabled to receive 1 hour of high-quality PE teaching every week.  

The PE Curriculum is mapped to ensure that there is a broad coverage of sports and skills, that expose our children to experiences that may ignite future hobbies beyond school, using the PE scheme of work GetSet4PE.

Alongside our curriculum provision for P.E we also provide all pupils with the opportunity to participate in sports after school clubs. These include clubs such as, Fencing clubs, Cricket clubs, and a dance club provided by our external dance teacher. Through these clubs children can explore the skills needed to compete in these sports, and are encouraged to represent school in cluster competitions. The children have also had the chance to meet a GB athlete through the company Sport4Champions.

Pupils are encouraged to take part in competitive sport during their time at Wentworth  Upon joining the school each pupil is allocated a ‘House’.  These represent the 4 elements of our world; Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. At the end of the school year pupils also compete in a competitive school games event.  Each pupil is given points to add to their house total with the winning house at the end of the year being crowned “CHAMPIONS!!!”  House Captains are recruited from the Year 6 pupils each year.  These pupils form the School Team Leaders and help to organise sporting events during the school year. Pupils can track their achievements on our school PE and Sport board in the hall. 

Wentworth also encourages pupils to apply their skills and knowledge in sports against other schools.  Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in team games against other schools.  Sports that we compete in during the academic year are football, basketball, hockey, cricket, dodgeball, tag-rugby, tri-golf and rounders. Links through the Hoyland  cluster group provides competitions for our pupils against other schools, CPD for staff and leadership opportunities for our pupils.

Our approach at Wentworth C of E Primary School means that, at the end of their time with us, our pupils have had a positive and enjoyable experience of physical education through an array of opportunities, that have encouraged out of school hobbies. We provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. We believe through our teaching we offer the children the knowledge, skills and secure foundation for their next phase of learning. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. This then serves as a foundation on which to build in the future, developing into active, healthy young adults. Through the use of external visitors, we hope our children become inspired to take part in sport outside school, whether that be a grassroots level or high performance level. 

Teaching and learning

 Our PE lessons are planned using the Get Set 4 PE platform, which aligns with our core values, our whole child approach to PE and the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum. Get Set 4 PE is planned so that progression is built into the scheme which ensures our children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school. The curriculum planning in PE is carried out in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short term). The long-term plan maps out the PE activities covered in each term during the key stage. The PE subject leader works this out in conjunction with teaching colleagues and pupils in each year group. Together we create a broad and balanced curriculum that is exciting for our children to learn through. Our medium-term plans give details of each unit of work for each term. These schemes of work provide an overview of the unit, links to other areas of the National Curriculum and assessment criteria for that unit. The short-term lesson plans provide opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in each activity area.

At Wentworth C of E we also offer the children a variety of sports clubs during the week led by external providers. These are sports such as, fencing and dancing which is led by our external dance teacher. Children are also offered the chance to represent the school at sports cluster competitions. At these competitions children are given the chance to participate in a variety of sports. Year 3 and 4 are also given the opportunity of swimming lessons to swim at least 25 meters and learn how to be safe around water. 


We encourage the physical development of our children in the nursery and reception class as an integral part of their work. As these classes are part of the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, we relate the physical development of the children to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals, which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five years of age. We encourage the children to develop confidence and control of the way they move, and the way they handle tools and equipment. We give all children the opportunity to undertake activities that offer appropriate physical challenge, both indoors and outdoors, using a wide range of resources to support specific skills.

Health and Safety

We recognise that participation in PE and Physical Activities contains an element of risk. Staff are responsible for ensuring that they are familiar with safe practice to reduce the element of risk to the absolute minimum within their control. Staff are aware of pupils who have special needs with regards to physical activity and make special provision for needs where appropriate e.g. physical disability, asthma. Staff know about the safe practices involved in moving and using apparatus. Pupils wear appropriate clothing, remove jewellery and tie back long hair. If the removal of jewellery or studs is not possible they should be securely taped and the teacher is confident this strategy is effective. Our School provides an appropriate PE kit for all children and keeps spare sets in school. Pupils may be asked to remove shoes when participating in indoor activities such as gymnastics, dance and yoga. Correct use of equipment is taught along with any potential hazards, including completing a risk assessment for each area/ space that PE and school sport takes place in. Equipment and apparatus are stored safely at the end of each lesson. Pupils are taught to consider their own safety and that of others at all times. Teaching staff should be appropriately dressed to teach PE.

 National Curriculum

The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Lead healthy, active lives.

Useful Resources
